Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jason’s thoughts on Movements

I love this fabulous post - The Thing About Movements - from Jason Salamun’s excellent LIVE FREE blog.

From where I sit – as a Salvationist – it’s a timely reminder, and so good that I wanted to share it here:

If you want to kill a movement.

Institutionalize it.

Make it the norm.

Get people comfortable.

Movements are like kites, they need a wind to rise against.

Movements tell a different story than what is being told.

Movements require an antagonist.

If you look at movements in history, this is a common thread.

Jesus sparked a movement of love against the backdrop of a fallen world.

America was a movement of freedom against the backdrop of a monarchy.

Rescue Missions are a movement of generosity against the backdrop of poverty.


If you want to ignite a movement.

Don’t just find an enemy.

Find a cause.

A rallying cry.

A better story.

Fix your eyes on it.

Advance in that direction.

And don’t stop.

When you encounter some wind.


Because it’s not just resistance.

It’s traction.

And you’re on your way to becoming a genuine movement.

Just make sure you’re moving in the right direction.

Thanks Jason!

Jason is founding Pastor at Project Church in Rapid City, South Dakota. Read his blog – it’s much better than mine!

HT to Karen Yee Lim at SayConnect for the pic It speaks to me of life and energy, and I'm always glad to see a Salvationist in uniform who doesn't look like a security guard! ;-)

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