Thursday, April 30, 2009

Qnoomaharvestf 09

Are you going to Qnoomaharvestf 09?

Its a kind of diginetworkingworshipyonlinecommunity held in Bognor..we all wear dark framed glasses & whisper talk in ancient Hebrew

Why Bognor?

It’s what Jesus would do...and at qnoomaharvestf we are big on WWJD (and curries)...also it’s hard to say Bognor without smiling

How much will it cost?

£1500.early bird £1700+free spectacles+qnoomaf tee..retweet for place in prize coffee all week for emergent churches!

When asked if Macs were compulsory, Qnoomaharvestf founder and chief cultural maven @darrinreeves said
..Macs are so qnoomaharvestf '08. '09 we are living Celtic tradition, writing on animal hides whilst listening to the wind...

Here's a man who clearly knows what he's talking about!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Jason’s thoughts on Movements

I love this fabulous post - The Thing About Movements - from Jason Salamun’s excellent LIVE FREE blog.

From where I sit – as a Salvationist – it’s a timely reminder, and so good that I wanted to share it here:

If you want to kill a movement.

Institutionalize it.

Make it the norm.

Get people comfortable.

Movements are like kites, they need a wind to rise against.

Movements tell a different story than what is being told.

Movements require an antagonist.

If you look at movements in history, this is a common thread.

Jesus sparked a movement of love against the backdrop of a fallen world.

America was a movement of freedom against the backdrop of a monarchy.

Rescue Missions are a movement of generosity against the backdrop of poverty.


If you want to ignite a movement.

Don’t just find an enemy.

Find a cause.

A rallying cry.

A better story.

Fix your eyes on it.

Advance in that direction.

And don’t stop.

When you encounter some wind.


Because it’s not just resistance.

It’s traction.

And you’re on your way to becoming a genuine movement.

Just make sure you’re moving in the right direction.

Thanks Jason!

Jason is founding Pastor at Project Church in Rapid City, South Dakota. Read his blog – it’s much better than mine!

HT to Karen Yee Lim at SayConnect for the pic It speaks to me of life and energy, and I'm always glad to see a Salvationist in uniform who doesn't look like a security guard! ;-)

Monday, April 27, 2009

Conference Junkie?


I confess.

Given the right set of opportunities…being in the right place at the right time…having the available funds….I could easily become a conference junkie.

In some ways it’s just as well that I’m this side of the Atlantic, because this early part of 2009 has seen a raft of fascinating events that I would loved to have been able to get to.

Since January 09, we’ve seen The Idea Camp and Catalyst West, and now Q.

For me, there’s something hugely attractive and stimulating about these hothouses for stories, big ideas and vision casting.

Web presence is high in all of these cases, so you might want to check them about.

HT to Q for the pic

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

St George

Happy Saint Georges Day to all my English buddies!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Let’s do lunch!

An interesting bit of synchronicity for me here:

The Times are running a piece today called "the rise of the office canteen", outlining corporate efforts to vastly improve the food and lunchtime environments of workers.

It’s a good little read, if a bit idealistic & utopian. I’m sure many people grinding away at work will barely recognise the places described, but its fun all the same.

…From the Fairtrade chocolate to the in-house sashimi, everything is free in the state-of-the-art staff restaurant ….

Freshly made sultana muffins, a Victoria sponge and paninis are on today…

… everything from home-made yoghurt with seasonal compôtes to superfood salads…

I guess it’s no surprise - because it’s The Times - that it sounds like the Sunday Supplement brought to life!

They do give some great tips on how make a cracking lunchbox of delicious sandwiches, though.

This notion of the hip packed lunch slots in nicely alongside the fabulously inventive GRAZE idea I’ve just come across.

The funky people at GRAZE produce wonderful little biodegradable cardboard lunch boxes full of healthy goodies for you to snack on through the day. You order online, and it comes whizzing through the post to you. Nice idea. Nice foodReally nice site.

(HT to @james_brooks from ArtistsforChrist for pointing it out)

Thanks to The Times for the pic

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I know my Redeemer Lives.

That's the life changing message of Easter.

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Space Up!

This is not new news….but it’s new to me.

I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on one of these funky little beasts should they ever materialize.

Hope it doesn’t go the way of the Microbus, which never arrived.

HT to Autoblog for the pics

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Happy Birthday Ev!

For each of my nephews and niece I posted a little Birthday tribute, so it would be remiss of me not to do the same for my sister-in-law, Evelyn…even though it’s day or two late!

Ev is my allie
One half of an outstanding dynamic duo, Don & Ev
My vacation running partner
An outstanding example for her kids
A mighty prayer warrior
The one who encourages me that there is life beyond the internet, and that grocery shopping online is not the answer to all my woes! ;-)
Love you my sister

Monday, April 06, 2009

Do we need a WIRED UK?

If you know me well at all, you will know that I’m a bit a magazine head.

It seems to me that I’ve been interested in mags, and have poured over their content week in week out for most of my life.

I was even prompted at one point to title a blogpost “My life through magazines”.

Having said that – and this is hugely out of character; I’m not a natural cynic – I’m finding it really hard to drum up any enthusiasm for the new UK version of WIRED, which hit the streets earlier in the month.

Despite having read the original US version of WIRED for years, the positive endorsements of some of my trusted Twitter buddies and even a tiny piece of direct Twitter dialog from UK Deputy Editor @BenHammersley I still haven’t shelved out and bought a copy.

It may be that I’ve become increasingly drawn to online mags like Worldchanging and Inhabitat or that my world feels increasingly borderless and connected. Geography, identity and time zone feel less fixed and fuzzier now that the internet is not simply an add-on or a tool but something that is woven deep into the minutiae of daily life.

The natural extension of this for me is this: does a mag that purports to look to the future really need some kind of localized version? I’m not sure it does

Is there something in all of this, or am I just turning into an awkward little beggar?

Don’t take my word for it, though. Check out WIRED UK for yourself. It will fly or die regardless of what I think.

If I buy a copy, I might have to eat my words

Wednesday, April 01, 2009