Monday, February 16, 2009

Two minds

There’s an event coming up coming up in April at Mariner’s Church in Irvine CA.

Much as I’d love to, I’m not gonna get to CatalystWest….can’t afford to at this point.

However, that’s by the by.

What I’m really trying to explore is quite how I feel about it emotionally.

On one hand…

• The line up of speakers is exceptional. Each and every one of those who’ve been invited to speak is someone I’d be really keen to hear speak. There are one of two who I would consider friends, or have met in person and been hugely impressed by their sincerity, integrity & passion.

• I have a lot of time for the various groups/ministries behind the project, and have felt huge benefit in being able to draw on the resources they’ve made available online and in print.

• The themes that will be explored are exciting and close to my heart

• You can’t beat a good conference!

On the other hand …

I’ve become nervous of the “bigness” so often displayed in the Western Church that can if we’re not careful seems at odds with the Jesus we read about in Scripture and the poor and disadvantaged who He calls us to serve.

I guess I have the same sense of struggle when I visit grand Cathedrals and marvel at their scale and grandeur.

Am I hyper-sensitive and thinking too much, or is there something in it?

In any case, the site is well worth exploring

Any thoughts?

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