It’s time for another jig of the johnnylaird blogroll.
Some folks have very kindly added me to their blogroll, so it would be churlish not to reciprocate:
In comes….
Dan Rous
Mel Cooke
Vicki Adams
Victor Estrada
Yucan Chiu
Thanks guys!
Some have become blogs I read, on the basis of knowing the bloggers personally:
So, in comes….
• Craig’s blog was one of the first I started to read, but he had not been posting for quire a time. He’s started again, so he’s going on the blogroll.
• Jon-Mark used to play in the Sally Army Band with me, and is currently working as a sound engineer on cruise ships in the Med.
• Richard & Ann are married Salvation Army Officers (Pastors), running a Church in Romford, England.
One comes in on the basis of having a great blog, and the blogger being courteous enough to respond each & every time I post. Welcome Eric Bryant…an elder, speaker, and navigator overseeing the leadership team at the innovative Mosaic community in Los Angeles, CA.
On top of that I’ve added a few mags I read, which you might enjoy too… Dwell, Fast Company, Leadership & WIRED.
Check out the links – they’re invariably more interesting than the stuff I post here!