It’s been a while since I updated the blogroll, so here we go again:
My good friend MrsParker has given up the ghost as far as blogging goes, having put all her online energy into Facebook, so I have to bid a fond farewell to her space on the blogroll. As soon as you’re blogging again ‘Nit, you’re right back in there!
• Probably my favourite recent discovery is This Fragile Tent which is consistently imaginative and so easy on the eye, and it has a bit of a Celtic vibe which is always appealling for me
• I’ve been meaning to add Nigel Coles’ The Old Forge for some time. I met Nigel at an Alan Hirsch event earlier in the year, and have enjoyed catching up with his missional musings.
• Lon at Solar Crash also goes in
A few adjustments
• Tony Morgan has shifted to a new home
• Dan Rous is now at House of Rous
• Chris Hinton can now most often be found at Geek-Speak
• Ubertech- man of a thousand blogs ;-) - moves to Faith Life
• Duncan has closed What’s Your Point Caller, and now concentrates all his efforts towards Seven Men
• Jason Clark is now blogging at Deep Church
As always, I’d encourage you to have a a wander towards the various blogs & sites listed…bounce in and join the conversation. If you’ve received a name check here, you might wanna check out the other people who’ve also been mentioned. Chances are there will be some common ground.
This little reshuffle gives me another chance to ramp up my campaign to get Darrin Reeves blogging again. Join the fight, Tweeple.