It’s time I had a shuffle, and updated the blog roll.
In comes Darren Plummer, Pastor of Mosaic Community Church in College Park Maryland, and Peppermint-Filled Piñatas Group originator on Facebook.
I’m also going to include Duncan McFadzean’s next door neighbour-but-one, Duncan MacLaren just because they must deserve some kind of recognition for living so close, and both having aesthetically pleasing missional-stylee blogs, and remarkably similar names to boot!
I’ve been meaning to include the wonderful brace of blogs from Self Confessed Septuagenarian, Joe Noland - Slightly Irreverent and Slightly Irregular. Joe is a California based retired Salvation Army Commissioner, which kinda means he’s a bit of a deal in our little Sally Army world. Jim’s two blogs are refreshing, challenging, funny, progressive & pretty inspirational. Plus, I have to thank Joe for the funky-as-anything shot accompanying this post.
Chris Hinton stays, but in his Council of War guise.
Sad to say, but I’m going to remove a few dormant blogs:
Chris Parker goes because his blog ground to a halt after his trip to Africa. You should start blogging again, Chris. I’m sure you’ve got lots of good stuff to share
Glenis at Pocket Mummy has succumbed to the Facebook disease, and seemingly abandoned the blog! ;-)
Tim’s blog seems to have given up the ghost, but Mrs Tim AKA Lucy is going strong, with regular thought provoking posts.
If you are lurking, and would like to be included on the blogroll, just bounce me over a comment, and I’d be happy to oblige.
Thanks for the shout-out, Johnny... looking forward to whenever we can hook up across the ocean! ;-)
You're very welcome, Darren.
Thanks J,
Duncan (McFadzean)
You're very welcome, Duncan.
Thanks for the encouragement, will look to kickstart NOPARKING again sometime. It was originally a years blog, it served its purpose, but do miss that space to shout out online... so watch this space I guess?...
Chris :)
Go for it, Chrissy Boy, and you'll go straight on the blogroll!
J :-)
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