Monday, February 12, 2007

Confounding some expectations

Late to the party as ever, I've just discovered a great Flickr set of pics from a conference held in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco.

There's something really emotive & descriptive about these images that somehow have touched a place in my heart, about 4 or 5 months after the event.

The conference was called "Aggressive Christianity", which I guess chimes with The Salvation Army's current grass roots exploration & revisiting of it's beginnings & orginal mission through initiatives like Roots, ArmyBarmy, JAC et al.

Just enjoy the pics!



Don Mancha said...

our new church building is a few blocks down from the Tenderloin, and the whole area is suffering from the side effects of sin.

Johnny said...

Yeah. I guess that's why the chose to take the conference there, U.
