As I’ve been
tagged by the
Headphonaught, I really have to respond, so here goes with my 5 things:
1. As a little kid, I used to drag a piece of string behind me, calling my imaginary dog “ Come on, Patch!
2. My attempt to go back to University as a mature student to study
Ethnomusicology was well and truly scuppered by a train wreck of a performance audition on the trombone
3. I once tried to learn Japanese from a set of audio tapes, but it all came to a complete halt when the car the tapes were in was torched after having been broken into.
4. My
Uncle was a US Marine who went to Vietnam and never got out alive.
5. I used to play in a Blues Brothers tribute band called the (Roland) Booze Brothers
I don't know if the following folks read my blog, or would be up for responding, but my 5 to tag would be:
AnitaCarlosFernando (He's done one already)