A big thank you to Thomas AKA The Headphonaught awarded me with a Subversive Blogger Award here: I feel like an Oscar Winner!
This meme was initiated by Thomas' buddy Jake Bouma.
Subversive bloggers are unsatisfied with the status quo, whether in church, politics, economics or any other power-laden institution, and they are searching for (and blogging about) what is new (or a "return to") - even though it may be labeled as sacrilege, dangerous, or subversive.
I like it!
Thomas tagged me along with the following guys, who may well be worth checking out, too:
1. Pernell Goodyear - He’s a top Canadian chappie, and one of my blogging faves as well
2. JD Blundell - New to me, but Thomas’ recommendations are normally on the button.
3. Matt Wilson - Ditto
4. Royzoner - I’m an occasional visitor here, and it’s usually interesting
So, in turn, I’m going to tag these guys:
Duncan McFadzean
The rules of participation are pretty straightforward:
1. If you are tagged, write a post with links to five subversive blogs
2. Link back to this post so people can easily find the origin of the meme
3. Optional: Proudly display the "Subversive Blogger Award" somewhere on your blog (images below) with a link to the post that you wrote.
Take the image from the top of this post [courtesy of Josh Brown and Red Cowboy Designs] Download it but... please... upload it to your own server (Jake has another design on his blog